Monday, January 10, 2011

Interview With SammieLynnsMom

Day: Hi!

SammieLynnsMom: Hey :)

Day: How Are you?

SammieLynnsMom: I'm good, how are you? Just an fyi, if I go MIA for a few minutes it's probably because my toddler needs something. She's playing with her kitchen for now, so she should be good.

Day: Im fine ;) No that's fine, Mom first author second! I get it

SammieLynnsMom: Absolutely! I love writing, my kids are my world, so they're always above all.

Day: So tell me where did you get the idea for this story?

SammieLynnsMom: Honestly, it really just came to me one day. My girls were napping, and I had passed out on the couch, and just had this dream that basically turned into the last scene of Chapter 1 where Bella called Edward frantic. When I woke up, it just stuck with me...a lot, especially as a mom myself. What i didn't know at the time, was there was a news story very similar with a little boy named Seth who had been kidnapped and his step-mom was the number one suspect. Someone mentioned it when I posted Ch 2 or 3, and I actually looked back and realized I had fallen asleep during the Oprah show that featured it. So I kinda wonder if that had something to do with it too.

Day: Wow! What motivates you to write the most?

SammieLynnsMom: Writing has been something I've always loved to do. When I was eight I lost my father, his death was sudden and tragic, and of course, my mom rushed me and my siblings to a therapist. Eventually, the Dr. realized I would prefer to write my feelings, so he suggested that I keep a journal and just write when I fel like I needed to get it all out. So I've been writing for a while, but never really thought to publish any of it. When I started Blind Intentions, my youngest daughter had been born recently and it was not an idealistic birth for me, so it was my way of focusing my attention elsewhere. So I would say that motivates me now, along with my readers. I adore all of them, and every week I push myself to continue to make sure they're getting the best version of my story that I can give them.

Day: Did you have any concerns with how your readers would take the plot?

SammieLynnsMom: Yes and no. I knew going into writing that Edward and Tanya being married would turn some off, but I've been really lucky that my readers never really flamed over it. I've only been writing ffn for about six months, but I've been reading, in the fandom, for almost two I knew what was more accepted than not. However, the plot has never changed as a result.

Day: So, is the story that you are posting now the original idea you had or have you tweaked it a bit?

SammieLynnsMom: Still the original idea. In some areas I've expanded so they weren't glossed over, but so far, nothing has really changed from what I originally saw.

Day: Many author just wing the story after they have a certain idea, do you do that or do you follow a outline?

SammieLynnsMom: I don't have an outline, and I've tried making one and I never stick to it. I know all of the biggest and most dramatic plot points and how they tie together, but a lot of the day-to-day stuff I don't know until I sit down to write.

Day: Did you have any inspiration for the characteristics of your Edward?

SammieLynnsMom: Not anyone specifically, no. I think of Edward as a father, and a man, who took the easy way in his life. Now that it's cost him everything, he's strong enough to realize he didn't need that easy route, and that with time, and consistency, he can achieve what he wanted the whole time.

Day: Out of All the chapter you have written which one has been the hardest by far?

SammieLynnsMom: Hands down, Nathan! Everytime I write his scenes or he has a "Jimmy" episode I have to detach or I think of one of my girls. I'm essentially writing my worst nightmare when I write his character.

Day: And the Easiest?

SammieLynnsMom: Esme. She is my mother-in-law, and I have almost a decade of experience there, so slipping into her character is simple.

Day: Has your story won any awards?

SammieLynnsMom: I just won an Avant Garde award for Best Shock Value and that was really amazing. I knew I was nominated, and had made it to Round 2, but I was up against such amazing stories that I was just thrilled to be nominated. A friend pinged me on gchat to say congratulations and I was like "For what?" She told me and I just smiled, it was also my birthday so it made it all the more sweeter. The response to this story has been far more than I ever expected and I thank everyone who reads it, because all of my readers are amazing!

Day: How does it feel to know you have so many readers that love this story?

SammieLynnsMom: Pretty amazing. The support and love I've been shown, has been really awesome. When I started writing it was to get through a very difficult time in my life, and thought to myself if I got 10 reviews that would be cool. When I hit 100 I was like "WOW!' When I hit 1,000 I was speechless. I've met so many amazing women, and some who have shared their own excruciatingly painful stories of their own. It's very humbling.

Day: How does it feel to be fangirled over?

SammieLynnsMom: I don't know if I've ever been fangirled over, but when people tell me how much they enjoy reading and what the story means to them, it's a surreal experience. It's really humbling to know what others take from my words, and I adore them all.

Day: Who where your betas for the story? are you close with them?

SammieLynnsMom: I started with Beth, who is amazing and recently started a new job, so I brought to my team Katelyn. I'm very close to Katelyn and I swear wants to beat me over the head after every chapter. Commas are my weakness and she knows it best of all!

Day: And You're pre-readers, who i must say i'm absolutly jealous of, What is thier role in the process?

SammieLynnsMom: I have two main pre-readers. Kimberly, who is probably my closest fandom best friend, and she knows all. She has been there since the beginning and is generally the ones there when I need someone to talk me off a ledge. Devonmaid is my second, who is newer to pre-reading for me, but only knows what I give her. She helps me see if anything seems confusing for where we are at the story. I have a nasty habit of assuming the readers know more than they do, at the time. Trisha, originally started pre-reading for me, but had some medical problems pull her away from the fandom for a little while. I give her and her husband full credit for all of the cop talk, because her husband is a dective and helped me there. Devonmaid is actually the inspiration for Dr. Devon, Edward's therapist, because one night she played therapist to Edward's character and in a few hours, had hashed out A LOT of the issues brought forward in therapy. I give A LOT of credit to my pre-readers and my betas, for keeping me straight and on point, because I tend to be a little wordy at times.

Day: How many chapter are you going to have in the story? Is it close to being finished?

SammieLynnsMom: When I first started I thought 20 chapters...jokes on me! It'll probably be closer to 30, and I can't imagine it going over 35. I hope, anyways.

About SammiLynnsMom

Name: Kelly

Country: United States

Age: 25

Penname: SammieLynnsMom

Twitter Name: SammieLynnsMom

Favorite music while writing: 3Oh!3 or "Beathe Me" by Sia

Favorite Author: Um...only 1? Crap, I can't choose one, so I'll say my current ones are TKegl, KitsuShel, and Javamomma0921

Favorite Undiscovered Fic: Riding The Fence by morethanmyself & not just because she's my pre-reader & bestest, it's really hot!

Favorite Book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Favorite Site to Update: Twilighted because of xrxdanixrx my awesome validator

My Muse: My music playlist and the ladies I WC with. I do the majority of my writing in WC's

Hand or type: ONLY type!

Fandoms: Twilight fandom writing only

First Fanfic ever read: First I ever read was Isle popped my fanfic cherry for sure!

PDF APPROVAL: If someone loved Blind Intentions enough to want a copy for life, I'd make the PDF myself and hand it over willingly! This is a hobby, not a career, so I have no problems with fic sharing

Translate: Go for it.

Without permission: I'd prefer to know if someone was translating it, but I'm reallly laid back.

Taboo: It's not stuff I'll personally read, but if others do, go for it. My biggest qualm is phedo and child rape stories. I will report those everyday until pulled.

Would you Pull the story to Publish it?: I wouldn't pull and publish Blind Intentions. What others do with their work, I can't control.

Two faults in writing: Commas & assuming too much

Why should other read your story? Give One Reason: Darn, I suck at self pimping, but the most common compliment I hear is that BI is authentic, so read it for that. LOL

Day: Well thank You for taking the time to answer my questions! Your story is quite awesome and has me hooked and im waiting for the update *wink*

SammieLynnsMom: Thanks! Hopefully tonight!

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