Friday, December 31, 2010

3 stories this week!

First on the list is a Femmeslash

'I had, for the past 85 years, debated whether or not I had a soul. I realised now that I did. And it was entirely, truly, irrevocably hers'... Contains mature themes.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 15 - Words: 43,581 - Reviews: 139 - Updated: 12-3-10 - Published: 7-21-10 - Leah & Rosalie

        I was a little hesitant to read this at first, mostly because I always read something with either Bella or Edward as a main character. But I am so happy I did, it's one of my favorite fics, no scratch that, my favorite piece of fiction I have ever read. The words flow so well, and it seems like poetry. Their are no words to describe how I feel for this story.
        In this story, only Edward left, the rest of the Cullen's stayed. Jacob imprinted on Bella and everyone on the rez seems to be living peacefully, except Leah. Leah is still plagued by guilt because she feels she killed her father. She hates the Cullen's for what they've made her become. Not to mention she is still very heartbroken from Sam imprinting on Emily. She is disgusted with imprinting, and thinks it's wrong. She gets angry one night and just runs, not knowing where she is heading. Then she feels a sense that she needs to be somewhere, and lets her inner wolf guide her. When she gets to where she needs to be she looks up and see's her, her imprint!

        The next chapter is in Rose's POV and you hear how she and Emmett are going through a 'rough patch' in their relationship, one that has lasted 20 years. And the rest you are going to have to read about on your own!

Next rec is......

There is an exclusive group known as the Cullens who only allow the most seductive of women into their circle. But their training is not what she thought it would be. Rated MA for lemons & adult content. Cannon couples...eventually...
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 75,920 - Reviews: 1005 - Updated: 12-23-10 - Published: 5-29-10

       This was another story that had me hooked from the first chapter. 
       Bella walked into the mansion and there was a note, telling her to go up the stairs to the second door on the right, there would be more directions. Her directions on the next note were to sit in the middle of the bed and pleasure herself, and to reach climax three times. The next chapter shows some unexpected characters and some surprising scenes. We find out that Bella is at the Cullen Mansion and is a Betty Pledge. The Cullen Mansion is a place for the wealthy that want to explore their sexuality and sensuality, all while finding a mate. The story shows Bella coming out of her shell a little bit, and letting go and just feeling.

Last is a story rec sent to the blog by SammieLynnsMom, its femmeslash, so here's your warning.

He's everything she thought she'd never want. He just wanted to get in her pants. Which side of the fence does she land on? "I don't go all fan-girl crush on anybody. I don't plan on starting now, either, especially over some random boy." 100% Cowboy Free
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 24,930 - Reviews: 209 - Updated: 12-28-10 - Published: 11-3-10 - Bella & Edward

The story starts out immediately with some femme smut in the first paragraph. Unexpected, huh, yeah I was reading it in the living room while my parents were watching a religious show. Once I got over the embarrassment, I read some more and was surprised that Bella felt almost exactly like I felt for men, they're good fuck-buddies but she can't see being in a relationship with one. Though, our similarities end there. Bella is a bit of a whore, picking up woman to fuck and not remembering their names in the morning. This was quite refreshing, seeing as how in most stories Edward is the man-whore. Bella has a degree, but works at Applebees because she would makes more there than if she was starting at a publishing house.
Bella's coworkers (who happen to be teenagers) like to bail, so she has to work extra shifts a lot of the time.It was on this night that she saw him, she saw only his eyes at first. 

If pine needles and apple jolly ranchers had babies, they would be the color of his eyes.

      Bella became a mess, fumbling and not thinking straight. And he is soon going to be the demise of her lesbianism.


1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my story and for writing such a lovely review :)


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